Get to know Madison Berry


Madison Berry

Director Of Sass

Madison charged into the world in 2012 and has become the master of her world.  She is full of joy and attitude.  Madison is active in girl scouts and soccer, as well as violin, singing and dancing.  Maddie enjoys swimming and she loves to watch movies and is an amazing reader.  She has three cats and a dog that she adores and would have more if she could!  She wants to be a veterinarian or marine biologist when she grows up – unless she becomes president where she plans on changing the world for the better!  She has conquered the world with her strong convictions and social adeptness.  Madison is very interested in current politics and is very vocal about her beliefs and how she wants them implemented.  She takes on new situations with such gusto, aplomb and a positive attitude and directness that she has truly earned the title of Director of Sass!